
Nirvana - Singapore style

A cauldron of thoughts and philosoply.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Male Menopause
-The condition that has previously been dismissed as impossible in men has been recognised by doctors as an ailment that affects men of age between forty and fifty-five. Andropause, the male equivalent of menopause, is caused by hormonal and physiological changes in the male's body.
From the age of 35 onwards, production of certain hormones in the male body become low and they start to dip drastically in middle age. By the time a person reaches 40, both in men and women, the reproductive powers swing significantly downwards and body cells no longer repair themselves as rapidly. This explains why with increasing age, the body's capacity for self-maintenance drops and it can no longer tolerate physical and chemical abuse.Growth hormones are especially important because aging is caused by the decline in production of growth hormones which can start as early as the 30's. These hormonal changes cause the development of many symptoms of male menopause. Hormones like Human Growth Hormone, Melatonin, DHEA (dihydoepiandrosterone), Thyroid Hormone and prolactin also go on the downswing.
Effects of DHEA falling, for example, will lead to a decline in feelings of well-being. Certain lowered thyroxine levels cause declining energy levels whilst Melatonin levels fall during the aging process. This also explains why older people often have difficulty falling asleep.
Treatment of male menopause varies according to the patient's condition. Taking testosterone (androgens) has only proven beneficial in men who have low levels of hormones. It can also be unsuitable for some and has its accompanying risks. Many times, a change in lifestyle and mindset can ease a man's condition and benefit him significantly during menopause.
Good dietary habits with adequate minerals, vitamin, essential fatty acids and essential amino acids ensure a fit and healthy body. Many times, adopting simple lifestyle changes like exercising regularly and embracing a sexuality that emphasises on friendship, love, intimacy and spirituality can help the man tide over the difficult period. At the same time, losing weight also helps.

Lack of mental energy
Decreased of cognitive functions
Decreased feelings of general well-being
Inability to concentrate
Generalised weakness
Lack of physical energy
Decrease in muscle mass
Decreased body hair
Feeling fat
Gaining weight
Taking longer to recover from injuries and illnesses
Less endurance for physical activity
Excessive sweating
Occasional hot flushes
Decrease in sexual activity
Loss of libido
Erectile dysfunction
Reduce interest in sex
Increased anxiety and fear about losing sexual potency
posted by OttoKee  # 6:18 PM


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