
Nirvana - Singapore style

A cauldron of thoughts and philosoply.

Friday, March 12, 2004

Indonesia 2004

Rand report on Indonesia

The disarray in Jakarta and the separation of East Timor have encouraged secessionist movements in the economically strategic provinces of Aceh, Riau-which produces half of Indonesia’s oil-and Irian Jaya (Papau), the source of an estimated 15 percent of Indonesia’s foreign exchange earnings.

Aceh, also known as Serambi Mekkah, “the doorway to Mecca,” is, according to some historians, the region where Islam first entered both the archipelago and Southeast Asia. Up until the late nineteenth century, the province had been an independent sultanate that had existed as a sovereign entity for roughly 500 years. Indeed, the Dutch gained control of the region only after a protracted war(1873-1903) that cost the lives of some 10,000 colonial troops.

Papua, is Indonesia’s largest province, comprising more than one fifth of the archipelago’s total area. It contains a significant share of the country’s natural resources, including the world’s largest gold and copper mining operations. Run by Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. of New Orleans, the operations represent a $4 billion investment, with 6,000 local employees and $1.9 billion in annual revenues. This area also has one of the world’s largest gas fields, which is being developed by Atlantic Richfield Co., a unit of BP Amoco PLC.

Jakarta Post, Feb 9,2004
In Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, the price of loyalty to the unitary state of Indonesia is not very expensive. It is equal to only the two cows and a small amount of cast given out by Aceh Governor, Adbullah Puteh at each rally held to demonstrate the loyalty of Acehese to the RI.

posted by OttoKee  # 12:53 AM
Fashion Talk

Seven years ago Marc Jacobs was struggling to keep his fashion house afloat.
Then Bernard Arnault, chairman of LVMH Moet Hennessey Louis Vuitton, dangled an irresistible offer: If Jacobs would lend his creative flair to the venerable but stodgy LV label, LVMH would underwrite his beleaguered design firm.

Jacobs’s designs have help boost sales and buzz around the $3.5 billion LV brand, which accounts for 60% of LVMH’s operating profit. Last year, his multicolored Murakami (takashi) handbag turned into a $300 million hit. At the same time, the 40-year-old designer has developed his own Marc Jabobs label, which rang up more than $75 million in sales last year

posted by OttoKee  # 12:52 AM

Monday, March 08, 2004

Joke in the automobile industry
"We lose money on every one, but we make it up in volume."

Henry Ford started with next to nothing and ended up with the world's greatest industrial impire. He did this by selling 15 million Model Ts from 1908 to 1927.

In 2003, Toyota sold 413,000 Camry sedans. Honda sold 398,000 Accords.
posted by OttoKee  # 5:32 PM


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